Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The White House Say Justin Bieber Will NOT Be Deported! | Luke ...

The White House Say Justin Bieber Will NOT Be Deported!

If you remember back a few months a petition was created on the White House website asking for Justin Bieber to be deported out of the US and it received thousands and thousands of members joining the petition.

Well now the Whited House have spoken about the petition and said:

“Sorry to disappoint, but we won’t be commenting on this one.

The We the People terms of participation state that, “to avoid the appearance of improper influence, the White House may decline to address certain procurement, law enforcement, adjudicatory, or similar matters properly within the jurisdiction of federal departments or agencies, federal courts, or state and local government in its response to a petition.”

So we’ll leave it to others to comment on Mr. Bieber’s case, but we’re glad you care about immigration issues.”

The people who singed the petition are not going to be happy at all but at the end of the day it’s Bieber’s fault for causing so much trouble!


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