A reward lane from Kanye’s 2010 album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. It’s not a biggest Kanye strain ever recorded, though Beyoncé’s witty smoothness of a line “I got my fit and tie” deserves a possess special award.
13. “Crazy Feelings,” Missy Elliott feat. Beyoncé
Missy Elliott doesn’t make trash, though as distant as Missy and Beyoncé adore ballads go, “Signs” from Beyoncé’s own Dangerously in Love is distant higher only given it is mostly done adult of Bey singing all a zodiac signs over and over again.
12. “I Got That,” Amil feat. Beyoncé
You competence remember Amil from Jay Z’s “Can we Get A…” Unfortunately she’s not unequivocally a thing anymore, though this strain stays to remind we of what could have been.
11. “Runnin’ (Lose It All),” Naughty Boy feat. Beyoncé and Arrow Benjamin
Alternately a sad ballad and pulsing dance tune, “Runnin'” facilities some of Bey’s many melodramatic belting, most to a pleasure of everybody who thinks “Jealous” is a high indicate of BEYONCÉ. Do not try this one during karaoke.
10. “Put It in a Love Song,” Alicia Keys feat. Beyoncé
Did we consider these dual would work together and not make something magical?
9. “Turnt,” The-Dream feat. Beyoncé and 2 Chainz
Fun The-Dream fact: He co-wrote “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It),” “Countdown,” “Love on Top,” “XO,” and “Run a World (Girls),” only to name a few. There’s zero these dual can’t do together.
8. “Part II (On a Run),” Jay Z feat. Beyoncé
Beyoncé’s offshoot in this strain is positively gorgeous, though given Bey and Jay used it in a “On a Run” debate trailer, we get a combined reward of picturing them as Tarantino-esque outlaws pushing by a dried any time we hear it. Everybody wins!
7. “Nothing Out There for Me,” Missy Elliott feat. Beyoncé
Slightly some-more upbeat than a aforementioned “Crazy Feelings,” this Under Construction low cut facilities Beyoncé only before she pennyless out on her possess with “Crazy in Love.” Their voices sound good together here, so supplement that as no. 10,487 on your list of “reasons since Missy Elliott is approach overdue for a comeback.”
6. “Love a Woman,” Mary J. Blige feat. Beyoncé
Who even knew that this happened? If you’ve never listened this strain until today, congratulations! It’s we birthday now. All true group should listen to this prior to each date they ever go on only to remind themselves that they know nothing.
5. “’03 Bonnie Clyde,” Jay Z feat. Beyoncé
Though many of Beyoncé’s collaborations with her father are smashing — see also “Drunk in Love,” “Upgrade U,” and “Crazy in Love,” — “’03 Bonnie Clyde” stays a bullion customary for Bey’s appearances on Jay’s albums. You can tell they suspicion it was a perpetually strike when they done it given they put “’03” in a title, that in obtuse hands would have hopelessly antiquated a strain as shortly as it came out.
4. “Telephone,” Lady Gaga feat. Beyoncé
Solely for a partial in a video where Beyoncé goes, “You’ve been a very, very, bad, bad girl, Gaga,” afterwards takes a ominous punch of a shrink-wrapped honeybun.
3. “Feeling Myself,” Nicki Minaj feat. Beyoncé
When children in a dystopian destiny demeanour adult a word “friendship goals” regulating a microchips ingrained in their brains, they will find zero though this strain and screenshots from a video. Then they will get dreaming by a word “give me mind like NYU” and give adult perplexing to know ancient culture.
2. “Say Yes,” Michelle Williams feat. Beyoncé and Kelly Rowland
This strain is a closest a universe competence ever get to a Destiny’s Child reunion, and for that reason, it contingency be ranked high on this list for all eternity, no matter how many some-more facilities Beyoncé annals in her lifetime. Good try, all a other songs Beyoncé appears on, though though Kelly and Michelle, we are nothing.
1. “You Changed,” Kelly Rowland feat. Beyoncé and Michelle Williams
The same as no. 2, though instead of “gospel” a genre is “three best friends enjoying a box of rosé while belting about a male who did them wrong.”
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