Saturday, April 25, 2015

Obama Administration's Common Core Math Quiz Questions | You ...

by Philbert of Macadamia on 25/04/15 at 6:54 am

PROOF! Rahm Emanuel can count to at least five!

Rahm Emanuel can count to at least five!

Washington DC- (

The Department of Education (DOE) Secretary Arne Duncan, in his desire to create realistic mathematics questions for standardized Common Core testing, has come up with the following:

  • Chicago IL 2015:
    When incumbent Democrat Mayor Rahm lmanuel was trailing his opponent by 751 votes, how many dead people have to vote for the mayor to keep his job?
  • New York NY 2013:
    When incumbent Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio was trailing his opponent by 650 votes, how many illegal immigrants have to vote for the mayor to get the job?
  • National Election 2012:
    When Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was trailing his Republican opponent by 100,000 votes, how many bus loads of illegal immigrants and low information voters did the Democratic Party have to transport to the polls? Each bus has 40 seats.
  • National Election 2016:
    If Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton feels she might trail her Republican opponent in the general election by 10 million votes, how many foreign givers must donate to the Clinton Foundation for Quid Pro Quo favors? An ambassadorship, visa or export license is worth $5 million each and the going rate per vote is $5.00.

The bureaucrats at DOE are currently working on history questions about how badly women are treated in the USA as compared to their treatment in Saudi Arabia!


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