Monday, October 13, 2014

Prof. claims killing Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, same as killing ...

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Berkeley professor Greil Marcus

In an interview posted Sunday at Salon, music critic and Berkeley professor Greil Marcus said the shooting deaths of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown were actually proxy shootings of Barack Obama. He provided no evidence to back up his claim and admitted he never spoke to George Zimmerman or Darren Wilson to determine their motives.

“I’m not a psychiatrist,” he admitted. “I haven’t sat down and interviewed George Zimmerman or the cop who shot Michael Brown, I don’t know what their motives are, I don’t know what kind of people they are, what kind of childhood traumas they have experienced. But I don’t think it’s nuts that in a certain way, when that cop killed Michael Brown, and when George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, they were killing Barack Obama.”

Salon’s Scott Timberg never followed up on the statement, which came on the heels of a discussion about racism, and started with Timberg suggesting the Civil War was never completely settled. Marcus agreed with Timberg’s assertion and said he believed the country had become more racist with Obama’s first election in 2008.

He then launched into a tirade about the Tea Party and Fox News, saying that “racism has become ordinary discourse” since Obama’s election. According to Marcus, Obama has “been treated as if he’s an impostor, an interloper and as scum” by Republicans.

“I mean, the things that have been said about Michelle Obama, the way she’s talked about on Fox News, you know, forget about Twitter or comments on news stories or anything like that where all the morons live, but the way she’s been talked about, can you imagine Laura Bush ever being talked about that way?” he asked. “Laura Bush actually killed somebody. But that was never mentioned, that was never talked about, because it was impolite to bring it up.”

But a number of people — including the former First Lady — spoke about the mysterious car crash that took place when she was 17. The New York Times said in 2010 the crash “became the subject of questions and speculation when it was revealed during her husband’s first presidential run.” She later wrote of the crash in vivid detail in a book, “Spoken From the Heart.” Perhaps Marcus wasn’t paying close enough attention during those days, and perhaps he forgot that his fellow liberals actually called for the assassination of the former president.

It’s also clear Marcus conveniently forgot that it’s his fellow travelers on the left who see racism in absolutely everything. As we reported in September 2012, a Portland school principal claimed she could see racism in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Dry asparagus has also prompted charges of racism, and liberals now claim that attempts to protect the country from Ebola are racist.

As we recently reported, Salon thinks criticizing liberals for constantly accusing people of racism is also racist. So is saying “Obamacare” and calling Juan Williams by his first name.

As we have said before, liberals constantly use the race card to silence any disagreement. What’s scary is that Marcus is in a position of authority at Berkeley, where he can shape the opinions of young, impressionable minds.

The post Prof. claims killing Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, same as killing Barack Obama appeared first on Tea Party Tribune.

Read the complete text here: Prof. claims killing Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, same as killing Barack Obama


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