Saturday, September 28, 2013

paint the sky with stars - - i_paint_the_sky - LiveJournal

Time for a New Show report, because I've had to change to watch a couple of things.

Sleepy Hollow

I will admit, I didn't have high expectations/hopes for this one but I like the Sleepy Hollow story and so tuned in anyway. And it's piqued my interest a bit, though it will have to step it's game up in order to keep it. I do quite like the two leads though, which is a good start.

Trophy Wife

I don't know about this one either but there was just enough of interest to warrant watching a second episode. It's definitely the one in danger of being dropped first, if things don't pick up. But I do like Malin Akerman so at least there's that (prepare to see this actor love a lot).

The Michael J Fox Show

I really like Michael J Fox (see what I mean?). And so I checked this show out and it was okay for most of the first two episodes, until the second half of the second episode where things really came together nicely. So I have decent expectations for this one and look forward to seeing more. Though it is sort of tough to watch how much Fox's movement has changed due to Parkinson's.

The Crazy Ones

I'm watching an awful lot of comedies this year. It's very strange, since I'm not really a huge sit-com person. But this one has Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Gellar. I really didn't need to know more that that. And, like The MJF Show, this one showed signs of coming together nicely at the end, so while I'm not in love with it yet, I am eager to see more.

The Blacklist


It's rare that a show really grabs me from moment one (I think the last one I watched that did this was Orphan Black ... which wasn't that long ago but that show is made of awesome). The Blacklist did it however and I am just so excited to see where it goes. I'm already yelling at the screen over the end of episode cliffhangers! Well, cliffhanger since only one episode has aired but I expect to be doing more of it.

Pretty much this thing is White Collar meets Silence of the Lambs, at least that's the vibe I get so far. And it is great and fun but also has some darkness to it.

My only fear is that they are going to try and draw out the mystery of the connection between Raymond and Elizabeth, which initially seems SUPER OBVIOUS. But I'm hoping that the fact that it is so obvious either means that they'll deal with it quickly or that will be a red herring (though I doubt it).

Still haven't watched Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. and not sure what to expect from that one, given that I still haven't actually seen The Avengers. But I'll give it a shot because cast of fresh characters means maybe they'll come up with some that I'm emotionally invested in, which hasn't happened in the films that I have seen (well, Thor was pretty cool).

Also, looking back at last year's New Show Report ... I'm only watching one of them now, The Mindy Report, because the others I liked were cancelled :(

I'll get back to 30 Days of TVD soon, maybe later today, though right now I am annoyed that CTV has moved its airdate to Saturday or Sunday (I forget which), meaning the Canadian broadcast will be behind the American broadcast.

And yet the Originals is on Thursday night.

Yes, it's very weird.


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